Master of Computing academic program by research which takes a minimum period of 1 year (full time) is offered to focus on the specialization of IR4.0 field, namely Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Science (DS) and Internet of Things (IoT).
However, it is not limited to such specialization, in fact it will evolve according to technological developments over time and preparation for the current IR5.0.
The programs offered are able to meet the current demand for employment needs in the public and private sectors over the next few years.
For more details regarding the program, please contact Program Coordinator, Assoc. Prof Dr. Nooraini Binti Yusoff (
Entry Requirements :
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or Science and Technology, or a field related to Computing with a minimum CGPA of 3.00, from an institution recognized by the Government, MQA and endorsed by the University Senate; OR
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or Science and Technology, or a field related to Computing, with a minimum CGPA of 2.50, may be admitted subject to a rigorous internal assessment process; OR
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or Science and Technology, or a Computer related field, with a CGPA of less than 2.50 and a minimum of 5 years of working experience in a related industry may be considered and pass the HEP screening.
Research Field:
Program akademik Sarjana Komputeran secara penyelidikan yang mengambil tempoh minimum 1 tahun (sepenuh masa) ini ditawarkan bagi memberikan tumpuan kepada pengkhususan bidang IR4.0 iaitu Kepintaran Buatan (AI), Sains Data (DS) dan Internet Pelbagai Benda (IoT).
Walaubagaimanapun ia tidak terhad kepada pengkhususan tersebut, malah ia akan berkembang mengikut perkembangan teknologi dari masa ke semasa dan persiapan menghadapi arus IR5.0.
Program yang ditawarkan berupaya memenuhi permintaan semasa kepada keperluan pekerjaan di sektor awam dan swasta dalam tempoh beberapa tahun akan datang.
Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang program, sila hubungi, Prof. Madya Dr. Nooraini Binti Yusoff (
More Information (Program Booklet): :
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Data Science (DS)
Internet of Things (IoT)